Doctor holding x-ray of broken ribs

Broken Ribs in a Slip and Fall

Slip and falls can lead to debilitating injuries. These injuries can be painful. They can require extensive medical attention and follow-up care in order to heal. They can keep you out of work resulting in significant lost wages. To put it simply, slip and fall injuries can hurt more than just your health, they can hurt your finances as well. While the extent of a person’s slip and fall injuries will greatly vary depending on the totality of the circumstances, there are some injury types that are quite commonly the result of a slip and fall. Fractured ribs, for instance, are commonly seen in slip and fall victims. Such an injury is not to be taken lightly and can have serious consequences if not properly treated.

Broken Ribs in a Slip and Fall

After a slip and fall or any other type of accident, it can be crucial that you receive immediate medical evaluation and continue to monitor your symptoms. Be clear with your treating doctors and health care professionals about what you are experiencing and do not discount the pain and discomfort you are going for. Those aches and pains you may be underreporting to your doctor may be symptoms of a serious health concern.  

Some of the symptoms of a broken rib may be subtle, but can still be a sign that you have sustained a rib fracture. Signs to be on the lookout for after a slip and fall that may point to the fact that you have broken a rib include:

  • Chest pain (particularly when breathing deeply or laughing)
  • Difficulty/painful breathing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Bruising in the chest area
  • Pain in the chest area
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Pain when pressure is applied to the breastbone

Paying attention to these red flags can help ensure that a broken rib is properly diagnosed and treated. Getting immediate and consistent care can help avoid further complications caused by your injury. While most ribs will heal fine and without complication, other times a rib fracture can lead to very serious health complications. Some of the more dangerous health complications that can develop due to a broken rib include:

  • Blood pooling between the chest and lungs (Hemothorax)
  • Reduced oxygen flow (hypoxia)
  • Damage to the lungs, liver, or spleen
  • Pneumonia

Rib fractures and complications that can arise from rib fractures can threaten your health and well-being. If your injuries were caused due to the negligent action or inaction of a property owner, you can pursue a personal injury claim seeking compensation for the harm that you have suffered. This means that you can pursue compensation for the cost of medical care needed to properly treat your injuries. You can also pursue compensation for lost income and loss of earning potential as well as the cost of physical or occupational therapy and the physical and emotional pain you suffered.

Philadelphia Personal Injury Attorneys

Injured in a slip and fall? Do not delay in reaching out to the trusted personal injury team at Cooper, Schall & Levy. Contact us today.